2019 - With my team of co-trainers, preparing for the Training Course ‘Take a Step Out’, focusing on social inclusion and community leadership, taking place in the Czech Republic.
2018 - With my team of co-trainers in the SALTO Training of Trainers Erasmus+: Youth in Action in Portugal, in 2018.
A photo of the training at Friends Forever International in the USA in 2018. More info about FFI here: www.ff.international
A photo at the Training of Trainers for AHDR’s project on anti-discrimination and peace education, ‘Imagine’ in 2018
At the EuroMed Youth Forum with the topic ‘Youth Participation and Active Citizenship’ in 2018, where I worked as a Trainer/Facilitator.
At the EuroMed Youth Forum with the topic ‘Youth Participation and Active Citizenship’ in 2018, where I worked as a Trainer/Facilitator.
At the EuroMed Youth Forum with the topic ‘Youth Participation and Active Citizenship’ in 2018, where I worked as a Trainer/Facilitator.
At the EuroMed Youth Forum with the topic ‘Youth Participation and Active Citizenship’ in 2018, where I worked as a Trainer/Facilitator.
A photo after the weekend training I offered to the Cyprus Youth Clubs Organization, in Volunteerism and Youth Work, in 2018.
With my co-trainers in the Cyprus Youth Council’s Pool of Trainers (2017-2019) in 2018.
At a peace building/anti-discrimination workshop in the context of AHDR’s ‘Imagine’ programme at a high school in 2018, where I worked as a Trainer. For more info on ‘Imagine’, look here: https://www.ahdr.info/peace-education/58-education-for-a-culture-of-peace-imagine
With my team of co-trainers for AHDR’s ‘Imagine’ Programme for anti-discrimination and peace education, at the Home for Cooperation in 2017.
At a workshop in the University of Cyprus’ ‘Training of Trainers in Non Formal Education’ course, where I was a Trainer in 2016.
With my team of co-trainers in the Cyprus Youth Council’s Pool of Trainers (2015-2017), preparing for next actions. Limassol, 2017.
At the Cyprus Youth Board’s CAREER ACADEMY in 2015 (where I worked as a Trainer)
At the Cyprus Youth Board’s CAREER ACADEMY in 2015 (where I worked as a Trainer)
With the team of organizers and speakers at a Conference on Entrepreneurship at an school in Limassol in 2015, where I gave a talk about Career Management Skills.
At an ERASMUS+ Training of Trainers with the topic ‘Youth Worker Development’ in 2015, where I worked as a Trainer.
A self-awareness workshop for the teens of the G C School of Careers, in 2015.
A photo from the Erasmus+ Training for Trainers ‘Effective Communication for Youth Employability’ in Armenia in 2015.